A confidence thing

Breaking away from the travel talk for just a brief moment…Actually no I think there will be some mention of it…:)

Was browsing through my pins there and I took particular attention to this one

Although I don’t feel personally that I have many qualities of the insecure person in this pic (it’s really just a comparison tbh) I don’t feel that I have as much of the attributes of the confident person either. I honestly feel like self confidence (or lack of) is the biggest factor in why I feel I’ve not quite worked out fully who I am or what I’m capable of in order to live a full and productive life.

Like jobs for example, I didn’t go to university (because I didn’t know what I wanted to do then and still second guessing myself even now…) but being in and out of more temp jobs that I care to admit I know I don’t want to continue this way. (or do anymore unfulfiling admin assistant jobs!!) But this isn’t just due to lack of satisfying permanent opportunities in these economic times, I feel more often than not the low self confidence and anxiety is just slamming the breaks on me taking risks on doing anything ‘decent’ and this is why I’m currently unemployed and feeling a bit disheartened with life in general.

However, I would love love love to do more travelling, way more than I want a job tbh lol. But I keep blaming all the external factors; like not having enough money, it’s not a good time at the present, etc on not taking any risks. Yet I take a step back and feel like I’m going nowhere! :/ but in my head I’m like ‘Oh I def want to live in Germany for a bit to study German, I want to travel to Hong Kong and Thailand, I would like to learn how to do online marketing’ but yet I don’t have the personal skills(?) To actually put it into fruition.

There’s other wee things too but I don’t want this being a pity party ha. I’m not writing this for sympathy but for encouragement 🙂 just want to have more of the confident person attributes and would like to keep improving at these one step at a time (especially the risk taking one!) until I have this confidence to just go.for.it!!

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